Need ideas or tips on how to raise money for your Walk?
Set a team or personal goal.
Walk in honour of someone you know or love who has lupus.
Start an email campaign that includes your goal, why you are walking, how to donate online, and how to register.
Ask ten people for $20 and just like that you have made $200.
Ask your company to sponsor you and form a corporate team.
Tell everyone about the walk by leaving details on all your social media pages.
Ask your mail carrier, delivery driver, teachers, neighbours, coaches and store clerks for a donation.
Always say THANK YOU. Send thank you emails, letters and phone calls.
When Public Health regulations permit, follow these ideas/tips:
Have a sign-up sheet at your office or school.
If you work in a large building, walk floor to floor dropping off your walk information – asking for donations.
Place announcement/memo in your employee break room, mail room, copy room etc…