
Fundraising for The WAVE emphasizes the power of women supporting each other and giving back to the community! No More #MeToo!

The WAVE Foundation is dedicated to ending relationship abuse and sexual violence through Community, Awareness, Education & Empowerment. Your fundraising efforts for The WAVE weekend allows us to expand our reach and Discover Your Power program.

Online fundraising is the most efficient way to fundraise, and it is easy to use our new online participant center. Take a look at our Fundraising Tips and see what works for you.


• Domestic and sexual violence affects 1 in 4 women in her lifetime. That’s more than all women impacted by breast, ovarian and lung cancer combined!

• 1 in 9 men will be in an abusive relationship in their lifetime. Relationship and sexual violence is a public health epidemic! Anyone can be at risk!

• 1 in 3 young people will experience teen dating violence. **  Stop DV


• START A TEAM with friends, family or co-workers.

• JOIN an existing Team. Teams can be a mixture of riders, walkers and/or fundraisers and volunteers. Include the MEN in your life who want to fundraise and support your efforts!

Sensational Generationals WALK Team Photo

• Register as an Individual to Participate, Fundraise, or Volunteer.

When you register, a personal fundraising page is automatically created, making it easy to set a goal and get started.

For each goal reached - $25, $100, $250 and $500 - you earn incentive rewards as our thank you for your extra effort!

Reona_Diamondback Winner 2017Fundraising is not as hard as you may think. Consider how quickly funds can add up to $500:

• Contribute to your own fund - $50

• Ask five family members for $25 each - $125

• Ask five friends for $25 each - $125

• Ask five neighbors for $10 each - $50

• Ask five co-workers for $10 each - $50

• Ask your boss to contribute $50 - $50

• Ask a business you frequent regularly for $50 - $50

    2017 Diamondback Winner Reona Herz!


This is WHY we ride and walk! Share this video about The WAVE Weekend event with friends and family as inspiration to support your fundaising efforts and encourage people to donate.

 WAVE Weekend 2017

Promote The WAVE Weekend. Post our 2018 Poster in your favorite neighborhood spots.

Click on the image to Download a pdf and Print, or share via Email, Facebook or other social media.

Click here for 8.5x11 PDF Image

Click here for 11x17 for PDF Image 


The WAVE Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 2011. Our mission is to unite women and work to break the cycle of domestic and relationship violence through Awareness, Community and Empowerment.

• We Raise Awareness about the societal impact of sexual assault and domestic violence.

• We Build Community and fundraise to address the issue.

• We Empower Everyone, particularly youth and young adults, to recognize the warning signs of violence and to prevent its occurrence.

Dollars raised support The WAVE Foundation’s “Discover Your Power” program. This program is committed to empowering young people through training in relationship violence education, sexual assault awareness and self-defense. Your fundraising efforts are critical for us to expand the number of Discover Your Power classes we can offer and train more youth instructors to bring our program to their peers.


**Statistics sources sited at thewavefoundation.org